Welcome to ARM Health
I am Amanda, an experienced RN in the state of TN and a PhD candidate exploring the emotional wellbeing of family caregivers. I would love this to become…
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Book: Unfakeable Code by Tony Selimi
I found it difficult to tell if Tony Selimi’s book The Unfakeable Code fits in a bookstore or library’s nonfiction, self-help, or marketing section. The book starts out…
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Book: First Survivor by Mark Unger
First Survivor is a labor of love and advocacy by author Mark Unger, educating the public not only on being advocates for their loved ones but also seeking…
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Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD)
German neurologists Hans Gerhard Creutzfeldt and Alfons Maria Jakob discovered CJD in the 1920’s. Disease CJD is a group of fast acting, fatal (usually less than 1 year) neurological diseases caused…
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Sclero-hardening Derma-relating to the skin Disease Scleroderma is an autoimmune (the body attacking itself) group of diseases from the body making to much collagen (scar tissue). This hardens…
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